Salary Scale for PNG Public Servants

How Much Money is paid fortnightly to PNG Public Servants?  This is an important question many people want to know.  We at Tech Pacific got hold of  the  Papua New Guinea Public Servants Salary Scale Documents (a screen shot is attached below).  The lowly paid workforce in Papua New Guinea are the teachers and Public Services (However,  Police and Nurses salaries have increased significantly).

Back to our question, how much money is actually paid to each public servant in the country? (We will provides details of Teachers salaries in our next post: visit this site regularly to see the next update)  

Well, it all depends on the Grade/Position on which  a public Servant is placed on.

For instance, the Secretary of Education is a Grade 20 Position. If he had worked on that position for five years, his annual Salary is K 123 716 .00 as shown on the Salary Scale above . This is the Gross Salary .

 Lets calculate how much he gets in a fortnight.

In a year (12 months) there are 24 forthnights.  Two fortnights per month.

so,  K123 716.00 / 24 forthnights  =  K5154. 84 per fortnight. This is his gross.

He has to pay compulsory Tax : For now we estimate it as 30% but it varies
and his savings POSF/Nambawan Supper

so 30% of K5154.84  = K1546.45 Tax

Net Pay  =  K5154.84 - K1546.45  = K3,609.39  (note : This is just an estimated figure). 

This figure may further reduced when he pays for Superfund savings.

Now we have requested for a Public Servants payslip. Below is a screen shot

If you can work out the Percentage for the Tax paid by the officer below.. Note. The screen shot below is posted after we sought permission from the officer.

Public Servants Payslip. Posted with permission 

If you are a public servants, you can view your salary per annum on the scale above.

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ICT Officer Job Vacancy with Kramer Ausenco

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