Information Technology (ICT) in Fiji

Fiji is a developing Island Nation in the Pacific region. The Fiji Government is looking towards improvements in the country's Information Technology (ICT) infrastructure to compete with the rest of the world. To make a start, Fiji is implementing developments in information, communication and technology in schools  that give new ideas and meaning in the classroom.

The 21st century classrooms and the new era of teaching and learning demands teachers to be innovative and good users of technology.

Fiji has similar challenges to any developing nation in terms of software and hardware but new reforms by the Government since 2014 has been encouraging.

Fijian schools receive full tuition fee grant from the government and 15% of this amount is to be used for ICT in schools. Changes to duty, freight and VAT has also reduced the prices of computers and networking devices in Fiji and many schools can afford to provide decent ICT facilities to their students.

While some schools provide basic computer classes to their students, few schools have spent tens of thousands of dollars in server facilities, projectors, internet access, interactive boards and student response tools.

Those schools that are doing wonders with ICT have supportive and visionary leaders, management and teachers who are willing to use technology to boost learning and not see technology as a loaded burden.

Some of the factors that has expanded ICT use in Fijian schools has been:

  • The Tuition Fee Grant provided by the Government [details for each level can be accessed from the Ministry of Education Fiji website]
  • Gadgets given by Indian and other governments
  • Initiative of the Ministry of Education in partnership with AUSAID to have initiated the FEMIS that has provided lots of information and now has updated data on students, teachers, finance, bus tickets, etc. This cloud based system keeps teachers and leaders on their toes and requires them to have basic computer knowledge
  • Assistance from sponsors and donor agencies and individuals such as SEE PROJECT
  • Globalisation and spread of ideas and success stories
  • Government tele-centre projects in selected schools

However, there are still lots of issues that needs to be tackled if technology is to be effectively used in schools. Some of these include:

  • High costs of services – installation, networking, hardware
  • Lack of interest from teachers
  • Lack of Professional Development and capacity building for teachers, leaders and Board members
  • Funds
Source: ICT in Schools/PNG ehow  Photo credit: ICTFIJI

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