PNG health Dept installs Cyber Security System to protect Health Systems

The Papua New Guinea Health Department is one of the first government departments to receive and install Cyber Security Stack Technology that will protect most of the health systems from being hacked or tampered.

The stack technology machine, presented by National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) to the department is worth 2 million US Dollars which is more than K6 million, will revive the department’s “weak” security system.

NDoH Information Communication and Technology Manager John Mondo alluded that health department’s security system has many loopholes and it’s very weak due to aging equipment.

Mondo says at the moment all systems including Health Core Professional Registration system, Human Resource Information system, M –Supply system, and HIV AIDS system are all shut down due to malware detection among other reasons.

Mondo says with the world class cyber security stack technology equipment, it will protect nearly all information and documents in all the health systems in the department.

NCSC Cyber General Manager Robert Potter upon presenting the machine says it will level up the department’s security system and protect its digital assets from threats in cyberspace.

NCSC was jointly funded by the Australian and PNG governments to enable Papua New Guinea to benefit from advanced communications technology while protecting its critical information and communications technology infrastructure from incidents.

Deputy Health Secretary Dr. Paison Dakulala upon receiving the equipment thanked NCSC and hopes to partner with them for further training of staff.

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PNG School to start e-learning

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