PM Marape says Govt TESAS Scholarship remains

PNG Prime Minister James Marape said the Government has not scrapped the Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme or HECAS) and Academic Excellence Scholarship or AES in favour of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).

He said this when clarifying misconceptions among students and institutions that HECAS and AES had been done away with.

The Prime Minister explains the Higher Education Loan Program or HELP is a facility made available by Marape-Steven Government for students who will need help for their tuition fees this year and beyond.

Marape said, AES students will continue to receive this Government incentive, but there are still many students who remain outside of formal Government assistance, for whom HELP is intended for.

He said students who need assistance are required to present their acceptance letters at registration.

The School registrars will facilitate their enrolment with tuition fee guaranteed from the HELP scheme.

“This is not compulsory, but for students who need a helping hand,” said Marape.

The Prime Minister also clarified that loan repayment time for the HELP will not be burdensome on present student borrowers.

“It will have no time limit for repayment, it is interest-free and they can take time to repay.

“It is structured in a way to give assistance, but has citizen responsibility towards repaying,” he said.

Meantime, Prime Minister and Higher Education Minister Nick Kuman will meet all universities and college administrators next week to tidy up on this facility, as well as 2020 school programs, so there are no hiccups.


Next :

The Transition from TESAS to HELP : What you need to Know

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