How to Set up Email Account on OPPO Smart Phones using Microsoft Exchange


You can access your email anywhere in the world as long as you carry your mobile phone around with you. In order to do that, you need to configure email settings on your mobile phone.  On this tutorial outline the steps involved to set up an email account. We focus on OPPO Smart Phones.  These are the steps to configure email account on your Oppo Mobile Phone using Microsoft Exchange.
  1. Tap Settings
  2.  Tap Accounts & sync.
  3. Tap Add account.
  4. Tap Microsoft exchange activesync account.
  5. Fill in you Email Address  on the dialogue box. 
  6. Enter your Password and tap Sign in.
  7. It will start checking incoming server settings.
  8. On the next screen, Tap Done. 
  9. Tap Activate.
  10.  Now account is configured

Note : Keep POP3 in step 5 above as default, as well as Exchange as shown in step 6.

You can also tutorial on this video here. 

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