PNG Nambawan Super Fund embarks to recruit talents through Non Graduate Development Programme

 THE Papua New Guinea Nambawan Super Ltd (NSL) will be creating a non-graduate development programme (NGDP) to find skillset needed by the fund, chief executive officer Paul Sayer says.

Sayer said this when welcoming six candidates under its graduate development programme (GDP), who will undergo 12 months of career development.

“In PNG, there are many reasons young people miss out on achieving the highest level of education possible,” Sayer said.

Nambawan Super Ltd Logo. credit: NSL

“We have jobs in the fund that don’t necessarily require a university education, but we still need intelligent high-performance people who are passionate and can talk to our members, work on computers and even possibly work in our call centre.”

Sayer said NSL was developing a programme this year to target non-graduates who had the skills needed to be the fund of choice for PNG employers and their members.

“Successful candidates for the NGDP would also have great internal professional development opportunities and in the future, might even be supported to complete higher studies where they may not have been able to undertake this due to their circumstances,” he said.

Sayer said since 2015, more than 20 young Papua New Guineans had completed its development programmes and offered jobs at NSL.

He said the six graduates were from a range of universities and had studied diverse disciplines, including accounting, banking and finance, business and information technology.

“Through the programme, graduates gain experience in several business units through coordinated job rotations,” he said.

“They also participated in professional coaching and mentoring programmes, leadership development, toastmasters, culture initiative drives and many exciting learning and development programmes to kick start their careers.”

The National / Tech Pacific 

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