PNG Web designer offers training to interested individuals


KNOWING the basics of hypertext markup language, is almost a pre-requisite for communication officers in the rest of the world.

However, for PNG professionals – this includes public relations and communication officers as well as others - find themselves struggling to understand the basics of web development and coding, local web designer and founder of, formerly Squad Publishing Jaive Smare says.

Mr Smare said because many continue to struggle, they choose to outsource work to those they deem more versed for their websites or application development.

As a way of addressing this challenge, he will be running a one day HTML/CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) workshop for professionals in Port Moresby on August 15, 2016. "Space is limited to 12 participants, because it will be very intensive.

"For the professionals who attend this workshop, it will give them the basic knowledge and strength to tell web developers exactly what they want, so they will be satisfied with their website.

"This workshop will give you the skills to quickly design quick mock-ups and get developers to work on the features that you want on a website pages and as a whole.

"This workshop will get you started on speaking the languages of web development and give you more sources for your work. As part of the workshop, participants will be taken through the process of:

 Designing their website;

 HTML development;

 CSS implementation ;

 Design and upload of first website;

 An investigation of developer tools; and

 An explanation on interactivity features on website development.

Interested persons can Email Mr Smare on for more information as well as cost. You can also call him on 75316253.


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