PNG Nicta deactivating unregistered SIMs


Papua New Guinea authorities are not deactivating  unregistered subscriber on identification module (Sim) cards that  will end next month, the local media report. The PNG National Information  Communication and  Technology Authority NICTA  is implemented the deactivition of Mobile SIM cards nationwide.

PNG Communication and Information Technology Minister Timothy Masiu said in a statement Nicta would immediately deactivate all unregistered Sim card users.
Nicta has notified all mobile network operators to start the process.
The consultation with the mobile network operators began on Jan 16.
The Supreme Court had dismissed a reference filed by the Ombudsman Commission challenging the constitutional validity of the Sim card registration regulation.
“As a result of the Supreme Court reference and pending the court’s decision, the deactivation of unregistered Sim cards was put on hold for most of 2019,” Masiu said.
“There is now no legal restriction for Nicta to enforce the Sim card registration regulation 2016, hence, the immediate deactivation of unregistered Sim cards will proceed as initially planned in 2019.
“It is important to note that since 2016, multiple grace periods and extensions had been given to all mobile operators.”
The deactivation process began last month.

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