Effective use of social media can boost campaigns for Business in PNG


Businesses and corporate houses can use social media and internet platforms effectively to drive their campaigns or brands to reach millions of Papua New Guineans.

PNG’s own social media guru and Squad Publishing owner Jaive Smare said this while explaining to the workshop how social media and internet of things can be multi useful for businesses when promoting their brands, products or driving media campaigns with minimum budget.

The one day workshop held at Ela Beach Hotel in Port Moresby yesterday saw 12 participants being taken through various social media strategies and internet platforms and how each operation can boost their media campaigns.

The Intensive Social Media & Internet of Things workshop is to guide participants to understand the best practices, tools, resources, ideas and examples of Social Media engagement for their activities going forward in 2016.

Mr Smare said: "Facebook Mobile is the most accessed website in PNG among internet users.

"Yet the lack of knowledge in Papua New Guinea has affected the ability of Papua New Guinean professionals to launch and sustain effective social media campaigns. As a result, the massive impact of social media to drive positive behaviour, influence positive life changes, and to improve the standards of society has been largely ignored."

Mr Smare gave examples of how some companies in the world made millions of dollars just over social media engagement, while at the same time bringing hope and improving lives of individuals.

For businesses in any industry, the key to success is knowing their audience.

Social Media makes this possibly easier to accomplish than ever with programs like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, Google+, Youtube, Soundcloud applications or tools like;

 #Hashtages - www.tagboard.com;
 www.hootsuite.com;
 www.buffer.com;
 www.socialpilot.com; and
 www.animoto.com; to name a few.
Not many Papua New Guinea businesses contribute growth and success to social media as they do not see or understand the benefits of social media in their businesses.

"It is currently unknown how many Facebook users there are in PNG.

"Though we can safely assume that only one in every 10 people we know has not heard about Facebook,

"But soon everyone will be on facebook," he said.

Mr Smare said he wanted to create an effective social media group out of all the attendees, so that they could work together and collaborate on social media campaigns of their different organisations.

"This social media knowledge vacuum needs to be addressed by 2016," he said.

Mr Smare said many of the companies had social media pages with not much activity on them, while they spend a tremendous amount on traditional advertising.

For more information, email management@jaivex.com or call/text Jaive on 76019111.


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